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3 simple tips for email marketing

Product management
3 simple tips for email marketing

Three tips to help you make email marketing a major part of your revenue-generating strategy:

1. Use an email marketing platform that is made for content

 Email marketing has come a long way in the last 5 years, and automation is the name of the game with email marketing. We recommend that you put certain promotional strategies like upsells, cross-sells, and abandoned carts on autopilot so that you can focus on growing your list rather than needing to write emails every day. We also recommend you send a broadcast email to your list at least once a week.  It doesn't always need to be a promotional email and sometimes the non-promotional emails do the best in terms of revenue generation.

Here are some ideas of things you can send out:

  • Blog posts of stuff your customers would find super useful
  • New videos you've posted on social media - a great way to get instant likes
  • Top 5 roundup emails - can be lists of anything or lists of products!
  • Coupon discounts - hint: use URL coupons attached to buttons in your emails to make it easier to apply
  • Long-form stories with a product tie in
  • Giveaways
  • Tips & recommendations - personally I like this one!


2. Improve the way you collect emails


If you only have one form saying "join our newsletter" then you're leaving 80% of your email collecting potential on the table.

Here are some quick ideas for collecting emails:

  • Create a PDF download with some juicy information that your potential customers would love and offer that in exchange for their email
  • Make a spreadsheet or "tool" they can use online and only give access via the form to collect their email
  • Run a giveaway and collect their email on entry
  • Use a spin to win coupon gamified wheel
  • Create options to reveal special discounts on certain holidays like Fathers Day and Black Friday


3. Always test

There's something to be said for consistency and doubling down on things you know work. I recommend this. But it's also good to mix it up once in a while and see if you might be missing out on a strategy that could give you even better dividends. The motto is always to be testing. Test your email style/format/what you send. Test your email options and see if you can make better versions. Test automated sequences and tweak that over time to make them perform better.


We hope this set of tips for improving your email marketing has helped!

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